Parasites are organisms that live in and feed off a living host. Parasites thrives more easily in children and up to 80% of Australian children are infected annually.
Have you ever felt like you have eaten fruit and then felt so sick and bloated in the tummy could you have a fructose and fructan malabsorption issues?
Do you continually experiencing uncomfortable symptoms that never go away? Are you struggling to lose those few extra kilos you may have accidentally put over winter (hey, you’re only human!)?
Yoga Practice and Personal Development
Personal development (personal growth, self-growth or self development ) spans across the different spheres of human life, from social interaction, business and career, physical health, environmental appreciation, to spiritual consciousness.
We are so excited to announce a BRAND-NEW class starting in term 2.
Introducing TrampoLEAN FIT – our brand-new trampoline classes!
Legs up against the wall pose – Viparita Karani
This is a great restorative pose that allows the entire mind and body to relax, relieving any tension or stress within the body. It super easy and can be done at home or even on your bed!
At Bodhifit Studio, we love to incorporate traditional Chinese meridian stretching into our classes. Not only does it help to improve our flexibility, it also helps our organs to function optimally.
A guaranteed hit at every dinner party. We promise your guests won’t even know it’s actually good for you! You could also make this in bite-sized cupcake tins and store in the freezer for when you’re feeling like a sweet, but healthy treat.
Our skin is our largest organ. Every day it regenerates itself by shredding dead skin cells and every 28 days we have a new layer of skin. While here at Bodhifit, we believe health truly begins on the inside – and what you feed your body (through things like a good diet, exercise and positive thought) will shine through to the outside – we also realise that sometimes everyone’s skin needs a little TLC.
In today’s diet there are large quantities of fructose being consumed it’s a sugar used in many processed foods, it fails to make us feel full and can even make us hungrier. Fructose is six times sweeter than glucose, when you eat fructose it triggers the production of your brains natural opioid chemicals and it makes it harder for other parts of your brain to work and connect properly.